Buildup, Fabrication, Installs & Upgrades -

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Guidelines for Posting in Buildup & Upgrades Topics

Forum Rules

This forum section will be moderated as to maintain focus with Buildups and Upgrades. We encourage write up details and pictures.

Questions and comments must pertain to the topic in question and are encouraged especially to clarify something that is not clear as well as additional feedback on how one might improve it.

We do not allow short comments such as "good job", "cant wait to see it done", etc of such nature. Off Topic comments will be allowed to a small extent, it it gets out of hand they will be deleted. Keep in mind that this forum is for buildup information and ideas that can help others, it is not intended to be a random off topic Chat discussion (there is another forum for this).

Non Jeep -Tech- will be allowed if it can be adapted to a Jeep vehicle.

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